Business as usual. Secure the funds and the framework necessary to protect your company and its partnerships.

The loss of a shareholder can leave remaining partners unsure about the future ownership of their company. We can help you to retain control and stability so business can carry on as usual.


When a shareholder or company partner dies or is diagnosed with a critical illness, it can leave the door open for anybody to come and take their place. This isn’t always in the best interest for the business.

With shareholder protection insurance, funds can be secured to buy back the shares necessary to retain control, ensuring initial ownership stands and normal business can resume.

At Sheldon Flanders we can establish the most suitable policy that is most beneficial to both the company and the family of the party that suffers ill-health or death. We’ll take you through the key features of every available option, make trusted advisements and help you with those important decisions because that’s our business.